With the aim of eliminating dependency on proprietary solutions, smart city, smart energy and IoT network leaders disclosed that they are working on developing an open source, multi-transport wireless networking technology and data model.

According to the newly formed uCIFI Alliance, the increase of smart projects around the world is putting pressure on network owners who have to either integrate multiple proprietary systems and API or depend on single-source suppliers for network hardware or software layers. That is why, it is aiming at alleviating this burden through simple, cost-efficient, open source wireless networking technology.

“Bringing smart technologies to the world’s municipalities and power-and-water suppliers allows tremendous efficiency in delivery of services, while dramatically increasing convenience for end users,” said Yannick Delibie, co-founder and CTIO of Kerlink, an end-to-end network solutions provider dedicated to the IoT and a founding industrial member of uCIFI.

“But cities and utilities often have to untangle a host of unnecessarily complicated technical details to deploy their smart networks, which delays launch and adds cost. The uCIFI Alliance is committed to promoting simple, cost-efficient, open source wireless networking references to unlock the full potential of these smart networks.”

The alliance, based in Beaverton, Oregon, US, will determine a unified data model and interface across IoT networks, including LoRaWANTM, NB-IoT and an open-source sub-GHz long-distance mesh network which it will not specify.