In Moscow, MTS and Huawei have demonstrated the first two-way intercity holographic telebridge using 5G technology.

The live video broadcast was carried out in 5th generation pilot networks using a hologram projected by 3D laser between Moscow and Kronstadt.

During the Russian Internet Week 2019 conference and high-tech exhibition two groups of participants – one in Moscow’s World Trade Centre and the other on the stage of the Baltic Fleet Drama Theatre in Kronstadt – watched 3D holographic images of each other live on television as they discussed the future prospects of digital technologies and 5G networks.

“Moscow is working to simplify the procedures for operators to obtain permits to develop 5th generation network infrastructure,” said Eduard Lysenko, Head of Moscow’s Department of Information Technology, during the RIW 2019 conference.

“Collaboration between the Russian capital and telecom companies is helping to test 5G technologies in various spheres, including healthcare and transport. DIT is also planning to launch a smart technology laboratory and to help young startups test their solutions in the pilot zones.”

In addition, mobile operator MTS together with popular bloggers on the TikTok social network has launched the first holographic challenge - #5Ghologram. The bloggers will film a series of videos with their own holograms and invite their followers to create video duets with them about how modern technologies will change the world around us.  

In 2019, Moscow began to actively test 5G networks. To date, four 5G pilot zones have been launched: one on Tverskaya Street, one at Luzhniki, and two at the VDNKh exhibition centre.

In early 2020, Moscow will open a 5G demo centre, where businesses and developers will be able to trial their solutions using real 5G equipment.