5G private network

  • Nokia Launches Lab to Test Future 5G Use Cases In France

    Nokia Launches Lab to Test Future 5G Use Cases In France

    Nokia has launched the 5G Innov Lab platform as part of the France Recovery plan. The Nokia-led platform has the objective of testing and integrating 5G industrial uses, using an open and transversal approach; and brings together various entities, including Airbus Secure Land Communications, Augmented Acoustics, Digital Immersion, IMT, SNEF Lab, Nokia Bell Labs, and Paris-Saclay Hardware Accelerator.

  • VMO2’s 5G Private Network Trial to Power Farm of the Future

    5G Private Network

    Virgin Media O2 Business (VMO2) and the River Severn Partnership Advanced Wireless Innovation Region (RSPAWIR) have launched a 5G private network trial at Overbury Farms, located on the border between Worcestershire and Gloucestershire in England.