
  • Danish Prime Minister claims country not ready for technologically driven advancements

    Denmark's Prime Minister has claimed that the Scandinavian country is not properly equipped to adapt to the technologically driven changes of the labor market, following US ride-sharing firm Uber's decision to leave the country due to what it deemed to be unfair regulatory policies introduced by the government.

  • Singapore and Denmark launch joint-partnership to test ‘smart city innovations’

    Singapore and Denmark have agreed to enter into a joint-partnership to test 'smart city innovations' in a bid to combat climate change by building inclusive 'smart cities'. Both countries will seek to benefit from each other's respective experience and skills in order to formulate a coherent plan to battle climate change.

  • Telia and Telenor select Nokia to manage mobile radio network in Denmark

    Norweigan telecom firm Telenor and Sweden's Telia have signed a managed services contract with Nokia that will see the company manage their joint mobile radio network in Denmark. The agreement will allow Telia and Telenor to offer customers of Denmark's largest mobile network even better coverage and greater capacity for a world-class mobile experience, Nokia said in a release.

  • UAE’s Digital Lifestyle Pointers High, Says TDRA

    UAE’s Digital Lifestyle Pointers High, Says TDRA

    The United Arab Emirates has been ranked among the world’s leading countries in various digital life indexes, attributable to the significant advancement of its information and communication technology sector, the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has determined.