
  • Beijing authorities to introduce new energy legislation aimed at reducing coal consumption

    Chinese government officials have tabled legislation focused on 'energy efficiency' which has been specifically formulated in an effort to reduce Beijing's consumption of coal. The document which was drafted by members of the Beijing Municipal Government, firmly feel the legislation proposed will cut the capital's coal consumption to below 5 million tons by 2020.

  • Dell to maximize potential of smart city solutions in India

    Dell Technologies, Vehant Technologies, and Graymatics and Wordsensing have decided to collaborate to develop and deliver smart city solutions in the areas of ‘Intelligent Traffic Management’ and ‘Safe City’ in India.

  • How innovators are navigating the future tech landscape towards a connected future

    At MWC Shanghai 2019, Telecom Review attended a panel discussion titled ‘Future Tech Today’ which featured some key startup representatives and emerging tech experts who all spoke of the ways in which they plan to help societies of the future through the innovation of healthcare, education, agriculture and architecture, among many others. The panelists included Saathealth’s Founder and CEO Aakash Ganju, Strelka KB’s AR/VR expert Ivan Puzyrev, AWA’s Head of Innovation Cathrin Johansson, Eduardo Alarcon, CEO of Tokylabs, George Palamarizis, CEO & founder of Erga Plus and Director of Emerging Technologies at Ultrahaptics Jonny Codling. The panel was moderated by Telecom Review’s very own founder and Editor-in-Chief, Toni Eid.

  • How MMC drones are tackling the deadly coronavirus epidemic

    For China, the beginning of 2020 has been nothing short of a nightmare. The sudden outbreak of the coronavirus has caused Chinese citizens to be overcome with fear and uncertainty. The outbreak, which first occurred in Wuhan, China, has spread like wildfire across the country and has cost the lives of many.

  • London set to deploy AI-powered tech for cycle route planning

    Transport for London (TfL) has piloted a project which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to plan cycle routes in the city.

  • Norway crowned the ‘Happiest’ country in the world – as US remains outside of Top Ten

    The Nordic regions have reigned supreme in a report produced to find out which is the 'Happiest' country in the world to live in. Norway was crowned No.1 - while neighbors Denmark and Iceland were placed second and third respectively. In addition to this, Sweden also made the Top Ten. However, the US 'happiness factor' continues to slide with a 14th place ranking.

  • Radiation concerns temporarily halt 5G activity in Brussels

    5G plans in Brussels have been put on hold until radiation levels as a consequence of the new technology are measured accurately.

  • UAE cabinet unveils 10-year AI strategy

    The UAE has adopted a new national AI strategy in the hopes of establishing a brand of artificial intelligence within the nation.

  • UAE’s first COVID-fighting robot unveiled

    Sanitizexperts, the Dubai-based professionals in home, office and industrial air sanitization introduce the Automated UVC Robot, the latest intelligence in the UAE in the fight against Covid-19.

  • UK government urges council not to block 5G over unjustified health concerns

    Matt Warman, the Minister for Digital and Broadband in the UK, has said that he plans to write to all UK planning authorities to not block the country’s 5G rollout without “legitimate grounds and evidence” citing the health dangers of 5G.