
  • Emotionally-Savvy AI and the Role of Voice Technology

    At MWC Shanghai, Telecom Review carried out an interview with Rana Gujral, CEO of Behavioral Signals. The Los Angeles-based tech start-up focuses on initiating emotionally intelligent conversations with artificial intelligence (AI). Their use of emotions to deduce voice data has helped them build engines that are more emotionally-savvy. Their award-winning flagship product - OliverAPI -  allows enterprises to track emotions and behaviors in natural language conversations to get a complete view of related key performance indicators. By being able to recognize emotional cues and perform and behavioral prediction analytics, their technology provides enriched conversational insights for interaction with voice assistants, chatbots, robotic virtual assistants, social healthcare robotics and mobile voice assistants.

  • EVOTEQ’s Sultan Salim Al Owais talks data centers and UAE digital transformation

    As rapid urbanization gains ground across the world, smart city development has become absolutely essential to urban planning in the digital era.

  • Hong Kong privacy commissioner talks regulation in Asia

    The rise of emerging information-related technology and its ubiquity pose a very serious concern: how much privacy do we really have? There have been growing concerns about the pace at which governments and regulators are modernizing their legal systems and how they simply do not change fast enough to keep up with new inventions and innovations of the hyper-digital world we live in today.