smart sensors

  • AT&T and Maxwell Air Force Base pilot IoT-connected “Smart Base”

    US telecoms giant AT&T is working with Maxwell Air Force Base, officially known as Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, a United States Air Force installation under the Air Education and Training Command, to bring the power of IoT to their base operations and infrastructure.

  • Brazilian security firm says its AI technology can make Dubai the safest city in the world

    A security organisation will present futuristic artificial intelligence camera and sensor technology that sees, smells and listens for potential problems, at the Future Cities Show in Dubai in a push to make Dubai the world's safest smart city.

  • Dubai’s RTA fits 5000 trucks with smart monitoring devices

    The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai confirmed that more than 5,000 heavy vehicles have been fitted with smart monitoring devices that remotely detect vehicle faults and drivers' attitudes on roads. The service, which has been launched via the recently opened Vehicles Safety Center at Jebel Ali Free Zone, has become mandatory to all companies operating trucks exceeding 20 years in service.

  • Latin America gets its first ‘smart city’ as Panama leads the way

    The Mayor of Panama has declared his pride that the capital of Panama is Latin America's first 'smart city'. The global movement towards smart cities has been described as a phenomenon and South America has been slower than other continents in terms of embracing such a transformation. Cities all over the world are evolving as leaders attempt to shape a city that ultimately improves the lives of its residents.

  • UK city set to open new ‘smart motorway’ next month

    UK city Manchester has announced that the phased opening of its new 'smart motorway' will begin next month. There are current restrictions in place on the M62 as construction on the innovative infrastructure project nears completion.

  • UK set to introduce ‘smart sensors’ to build efficiency in the National Health Service

    A Scottish property technology startup is set to deploy non-intrusive 'smart sensors' in an effort to help the NHS build efficiency within its system. The new sensing technology developed by Scottish startup Beringar is set to drastically overhaul how the UK's National Health Service manages its physical assets in a much more effective manner.