UK regional institutions to implement AI in the hopes of crime prevention
Local councils and police forces in UK cities are using personal data from the public to form algorithms which could track crime against children.
Local councils and police forces in UK cities are using personal data from the public to form algorithms which could track crime against children.
The digital arm of French telecommunications behemoth Orange has announced that it is one of a number of investors in a new AI credit scoring start-up firm.
Signify’s new Philips Urban VR experience will allow city planners to visualize and test different lighting designs for their streets and buildings. Users will take a journey down a virtual street where they can observe the different effects of Phillips street light luminaires and the patterns they cast.
Homeowners will be turning their homes into personal power stations and cutting electricity bills by up to 80 per cent, thanks to a Virgin Startup-backed renewable energy company Resilience.
Executives from some of Europe’s largest companies and prominent technology thought-leaders have gathered for the inaugural meeting of the European’s Commission’s AI4EU project, which aims to drive the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) across a wide range of industries.
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