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Public-private consortium launches initiative to make UK a global leader in 5G

An initiative which has been specifically designed to position the UK as a global leader in the development, deployment and adoption of 5G technology has been backed by the Tory-led coalition government in Westminster.

A public-private consortium has joined forced to officially launch the program entitled UK5G. The UK government has voiced its support for the project - and publicly stated it would do everything it can to help establish the United Kingdom as a leader in the adoption of the next-generation technology.

The innovative program has been publicly endorsed and funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). In addition, it has been disclosed that the UK5G innovation network will be headed by Cambridge Wireless (CW), Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) and TM Forum. UK5G also announced the Digital Catapult and Real Wireless as associate partners.

The primary objective of the network is to bring organizations together across the 5G ecosystem. It is hoped that collaboration between research institutions, technology providers, investment, regulators as well as vertical industry partners can help accelerate and explore the potential benefits provided by the emergence of 5G technology.

5G testbeds and Trials Program Director at DCMS, Ian Smith, expressed his excitement about the initiative and said it reiterated the government’s commitment to helping the UK become a leader in 5G.

Smith said, "The Government is determined that the UK be a world-leader in 5G and that we provide reliable, high-speed connectivity to our towns, cities and rural areas. We are rightly very excited about what UK5G can do for the growing 5G ecosystem in the UK, to help make that vision a reality."

UK5G also named the membership of its advisory board. The board will provide advice, guidance and support for the aims of the network, as well as providing impartial, industry-focused advice to DCMS on its future plans for 5G development.

Rosalind Singleton, chair of UK5G’s advisory board said, "UK5G represents a wonderful opportunity for industry and our research base to work hand in hand with government to promote the development of 5G, through test bed and trials funding, policy-making and network support."