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French tech firm develops Internet of Things solution

Russian fishing fleet operator Dobroflot Group of Companies is set to deploy an IoT solution for fuel monitoring from Orange Business Services. The solution helps to optimize fuel consumption, analyzing weather and vessel position, to save up to ten percent of fuel costs, and also helps to prevent unauthorized fuel usage. The IoT solution takes advantage of a fully-managed satellite solution from Orange Business Services that connects Dobroflot's vessels and onshore operations.

Dobroflot, the leading manufacturer of canned fish in the Far East, will pilot the IoT solution initially on a single vessel before rolling it out across eight vessels in their fleet, including Vsevolod Sibirtsev, the world's largest floating fish factory. This pilot will enable Dobroflot to accurately monitor fuel consumption online while at sea, as well as during bunkering and refueling. It will help crew to reduce commercial losses by continuously monitoring the vessel's main engine, its auxiliary diesel generators and boilers.

To develop the customized IoT solution, Orange Business Services teamed up with Technodar, a Russian expert in fuel consumption monitoring systems and satellite transport monitoring. Technodar leverages the highly-accurate Coriolis flow meter technology to measure mass flowing through a pipe. Sensors feed measurements directly to the IoT solution, which sends data back to shore via an onboard VSAT terminal. The solution requires no initial investment from Dobroflot, who will pay only a monthly subscription for the service.

"The savings from Orange Business Services' IoT solution will have a significant impact on our bottom line, as around half of a vessel's operating costs are related to fuel. An active IoT system on board our vessels will enable us to collect data in real time and map the most efficient routes," said Evgeny Stepanov, CTO, Dobroflot.

"We started discussing innovative IoT solutions with Dobroflot after we successfully deployed VSAT satellite terminals across its fleet. We jointly came to the conclusion that Orange Business Services IoT solutions could provide Dobroflot with a suite of tools and applications that could reduce their operating costs, detect inefficiencies and predict when maintenance is needed - whether the vessel is at sea or onshore. This project again demonstrates Orange is a leader in building and managing global IoT solutions," said Richard Van Wageningen, senior vice president, Indirect, Middle East, Africa and Russia, Orange Business Services.

The pilot implementation will be onboard a refrigerated transport vessel, which is used to navigate the notoriously difficult Northeast passage through the Arctic. Dobroflot is the only Russian fishing company using this route to transport goods to the central part of Russia. Orange Business Services' fully-managed satellite solution and fuel monitoring system will make the route safer and more efficient for Dobroflot's vessels.