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Dubai achieves milestone in its efforts to reduce carbon emissions

Dubai has achieved a new milestone in its efforts to reduce carbon emissions, in getting certified by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. C40 is a leading global network of cities committed to tackling climate change and protecting the planet. The network was established in 2005, and includes 75 major cities that have worked to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions through sharing knowledge and best practices among themselves.

Dubai joined the world's C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group in 2015, becoming part of an elite group of the world's cities committed to fighting climate change. This is a recognition of the city's advanced role in environmental protection, and an acknowledgement of its plans and programs to reduce GHG emissions that pose a threat to the climate worldwide. The world's major cities present an annual report on GHG data, as well as reduction targets through the Greenhouse Gas protocol, which supports best performances and practices.

In 2013, the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy established the Carbon Abatement Strategy 2021, in cooperation with the Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence (Dubai Carbon) and started an inventory of Dubai's GHG from 2011 onwards.

GHG data is collected annually, and the progress achieved is compared with the set reduction targets. These targets were set by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), Dubai Municipality, Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), and other organizations providing information on sources of emissions in Dubai. The program has established a strong mechanism for the measurement of emissions aligned with Dubai's vision of promoting sustainability and addressing climate change.

"This adoption affirms the vision of the UAE's wise leadership, which aims to achieve the objectives of the UAE Centennial 2071, and the UAE Vision 2021 to secure a happy future and a better life for future generations, and raise UAE's status as the best country in the world. This also supports the Dubai Plan 2021, to strengthen the future of Dubai. To achieve this, we have launched many green programs and initiatives, including Dubai's Carbon Abatement Strategy to reduce carbon emissions by 16% by 2021; the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 to ensure 75% of Dubai's energy from clean energy sources by 2050; and the Demand Side Management Strategy, to reduce energy and water demand by 30% by 2030,"said HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, Vice Chairman of Dubai Supreme Council of Energy.

"Dubai has played a key role worldwide, through prominent initiatives that support the UAE's efforts in the field of energy efficiency, climate change and reducing carbon emissions. The World Green Economy Organization (WGEO) was launched to promote cooperation between countries, cities, and private organizations, to seek sustainable energy sources and finance green projects globally,"added Al Tayer.

"Our participation in C40 has enabled the exchange of best practices in addressing issues related to climate diversity, adaptation, and reducing environmental risks. It has also provided a global database of documents, road maps, and decision-making mechanisms that can be utilized and put into practice locally, to address on-ground challenges, and participate in regional and global events to show Dubai's success in this field,"said HE Ahmed Buti Al Muhairbi, Secretary General of Dubai Supreme Council of Energy.

"Dubai's Carbon Abatement Strategy 2021 is the first of its kind in the region. It addresses the emissions database along with performance and reduction programs. Dubai has been able to reduce 23.08 tonnes of carbon emissions per capita in 2016, compared to 18.37 tonnes per capita in 2011,"concluded Al Muhairbi.