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Dubai launches think-tank to tackle cybersecurity issues

The Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC) has announced the launch of the Dubai Cyber Think Tank, which aims to develop solutions to prevent cyberattacks and threats.

The think-tank will be built around a collaborative platform between some of Dubai’s public departments and organizations along with DESC. This collaboration is the first of its kind in the region.

The initiative plans to encourage brainstorming amongst high-level focus groups through which research and workshops will be conducted and experts will exchange opinions and make their own recommendations.

Following each session, a detailed report will be released, showing the results drawn from research conducted to develop better and safer cybersecurity strategies and policies for both the public and private sector.

Jassim Mohammed, security operations manager, DESC, stated, “The priorities of the platform include confronting and resolving the current and future cyber challenges and risks as well as contributing to the development of proactive policies and frameworks for the cybersecurity of Dubai.”

Adding that, “These initiatives help us make remarkable progress in realizing Dubai government’s vision for developing and carrying out initiatives and policies aimed at solving electronic security challenges and building a secure and resilient cyberspace for Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, with its public and private sectors.’