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Key industry experts to discuss IPv6+, 5G and policy making in virtual webinar

Trace Media, parent company of Telecom Review and Smart Cities World Forums, is hosting a virtual webinar on 16 July about IPv6 to discuss enhanced innovations, policies and the best practices for the 5G and Cloud era.

The webinar’s speakers include some of the industry’s most prominent figures from a variety of backgrounds.

Toni Eid, CEO of Trace Media International and founder of Telecom Review and Smart Cities World Forums will be the MC of the virtual event.

The speakers who will be navigating the discussion are:

Bocar A. Ba, CEO of SAMENA Telecommunications Council.

SAMENA is a tri-regional, non-profit telecommunications association that provides its advocacy expertise to further the expansion and utilization of telecoms in South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

Latif Ladid, Founder and President of IPv6 Forum and Chair of ETSI ISG IPv6.

IPv6 Forum is an organization which is dedicated to raising awareness about IPv6 deployment and is comprised of international internet vendors, researchers, education networks and internet experts, among others. The forums organizes events to promote and raise global awareness of IPv6.

Carsten Rossenhovel, Managing Director and Co-Founder at EANTC AG.

EANTC AG, the European Advanced Networking Test Center, is essentially a world-renowned objective test center which provides manufacturers, service providers and enterprise customers with vendor-neutral network performance test facilities.

Mark Oliver, Global Consulting Director, Service Provider & Communication, OMDIA.

OMDIA is a research powerhouse which specializes in helping businesses make better choices with regards to technology and has over 400 analysts covering 150 markets.

Dr. Bilel Jamoussi, Chief of Study Groups Department at the ITU

ITU, the International Telecommunication Union, is an agency of the United Nations which is dedicated to dealing with issues pertaining to information and communication technologies and is one of the oldest global international organizations.

Robin Li, IETF IAB (Internet Architecture Board) Member, IP Protocol Expert

Mohammad Al Zarooni, Director / Policy and Programs - Information and e-Government Sector, TRA UAE

A variety of topics will be covered pertaining to the status of IPv6 progress around the world, some of which include:

• What is the status of IPv6 deployment and what are the typical challenges?

• The importance of IPv6-based ICT infrastructure to the economic development

• Government policies that promote IPv6 Industry

• IPv6+: IPv6 Enhanced Innovations

• Thinking and practice of IPv6 enhanced Innovations

• The progress of IPv6+ Standardization and Interoperability Test

If you are interested in attending this event, you can register here.