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UAE introduce incentives to encourage motorists to buy ‘electric vehicles’

The UAE Ministry of Energy has launched an incentive program designed to encourage motorists to buy electric vehicles - as part of the nation's long-term plan for electrification. The incentive program aims to tempt motorists to go electric by introducing zero-carbon emissions electric vehicles through green bank loans, green insurance plans and attractive and affordable prices for electric vehicles.

The official announcement of the program was made by UAE Minister of Energy, Suhail Al Mazroui who revealed the initiative will be entitled 'Incentives for Using Electric Vehicles'. He further disclosed at the press briefing that they will be calling for 10% off car fleets of federal ministries and agencies to be comprised of electric vehicles.

The latest initiative is all part of the UAE administration's term strategy to have up to 20% of government fleets to be electric in order to complement other alternative-fuel measures which have already been taken in relation to government vehicles. Al Mazroui confirmed that the Ministry is working in a road map to expedite a 15% reduction of carbon emissions by 2020.

In total 10 new agreements were brokered - five agreements by both Emirates Transport in Abu Dhabi and the Ministry of Energy were agreed in order to execute a shared vision of a greener road and future. Attendees were told that the new program was good news for consumers - primarily due to the fact it was cooperating with banks, car companies and insurance firms to educate potential EV buyers on the benefits of going green to reduce the harmful and toxic greenhouse gases in the UAE.

In Dubai, the Chairman of Dubai Supreme Council of Energy, joined with council members who ratified an incentive program specifically designed to promote and educate the use of electric cars on Dubai - which mirrors the federal initiative.

In Dubai, meanwhile, Shaikh Ahmad Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Supreme Council of Energy, joined with council members who ratified an incentive program to promote the use of electric cars in Dubai that mirrors the federal initiative.

The Supreme Council issued a directive that government institutions must ensure that 10 percent of all new purchases of fleet vehicles are of hybrid or electric vehicles. This will support the target for 2020 for two percent of all vehicles to be hybrid or electric, and by 2030 this will rise to 10 percent. This will help to reduce total carbon emissions in Dubai by 2021 by 19 percent.