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RTA confirms it has started trialing ‘smart license’ plates

The Road Transport Authority (RTA) has confirmed that it has commenced trials on 'smart license' plates in Dubai. The Authority has embarked upon a number of highly ambitious and unique transportation projects in the last few years such as autonomous buses and flying taxis. This latest project involving 'smart license' plates is part of Dubai Smart City initiative.

The innovative project will see vehicles fitted with plates that will display the traditional information on a vehicle such as the plate number and area of issue. However, the fundamental difference with the 'smart license' plates is that you'll no longer have to change your plate should you get a new one. All the information will be updated digitally.

CEO of RTA's Licensing Agency, Abdullah Yousuf Al Ali said the program was progressive and represented an innovative new era in the communication between vehicles and the government.

He said, "The debut of these Smart Plates in Dubai will bring about a quantum shift in the concept of roads as well as the technological infrastructure of transportation. It will contribute immensely to linking several systems and technologies as well. It heralds an era of communication between vehicles and government and semi-government entities concerned with the safety and security of transport.”

Al Ali also highlighted how the new 'smart license' plates could be controlled centrally - and significantly reduced the opportunity for people to steal plates or vehicles.

He said, "The Smart Plates can be centrally controlled. As such, it will be possible to change the numbers and designs of plates and display the expiry of the insurance and licensing dates registered at the RTA, without changing the plates. It will also be possible to identify and register the travel time of the driver and details of the heavy vehicle and eliminate the chances of stealing the plates or vehicles. Images and signs can be displayed on the plate to specify the type of the driver - new or under training."