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SAS and NVIDIA join forces for AI development

SAS and NVIDIA have announced a new partnership which aims to help organizations bring artificial intelligence (AI) into their businesses.

 The companies have decided to collaborate on projects regarding machine learning, natural language processing and computer vision with the help of NVIDIA’s GPUs and CUDA-X AI acceleration libraries. Their aim is to fulfill some o the core elements of SAS’s AI offerings which include: leading to faster and more accurate insights.

SAS’s Senior VP of Technology stated, “AI is transforming business across industries. At the heart of AI-based transformation is advanced analytics. Powerful GPUs help speed the analysis and impact of AI by processing millions of mathematical operations very quickly. By partnering with NVIDIA, we combine our strengths to augment human intelligence and realize the true potential of AI.”

AI has proven to be extremely valuable to several industries such as health care, manufacturing and finance. With regards to health care, AI can identify cancer cells and viruses. In the manufacturing sector however, the use of AI could recognize defects in certain products before they are sent out to be sold. In terms of finance, it could make great strides in fraud detection which would essentially help save billions of dollars.

NVIDIA’s VP and General Manager of Accelerated Computing stated, “Our collaboration with SAS will help customers extract the true value of AI for their company. With NVIDIA technology, businesses will be able to accelerate their entire data science workflow to innovate, add new services and increase profitability.”

As a result of this partnership, products such as SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning as well as SAS Event Stream Processing will enable customers to use high-performance AI powered products which include image classification, speech-to-text, object detection, image recognition, and sentiment detection.

The companies are both pushing for greater IoT opportunities as well such as to enhance the development of deep learning and decision making capabilities in their edge devices.

This partnership is merely one strategic step towards SAS’s commitment to maximizing the use and capabilities of AI and machine learning.

SAS has also announced a $1 billion investment over the next three years towards software innovation, AI and education programs.