Smart Mobility EU

BMW may manufacture its new ‘electric Mini car’ outside of the UK due to Brexit

BMW has revealed that it is considering manufacturing its new electric Mini vehicle outside of the UK due to the uncertainty following the country's decision to exit the EU. A source close to the car manufacturing giant claims that BMW executives will make a decision on the location for the manufacturing of its new electric model by the end of September.

Finland set to slash urban congestion by launching autonomous RoboBus system

Finland is set to significantly reduce urban congestion and harmful emissions by launching a new electrically powered autonomous bus service in its capital city Helsinki. Authorities in Helsinki have formally disclosed plans in relation to the new public transportation system that will revolutionize the city.

Ford expands operations by opening ‘smart mobility’ facility in the UK

Ford Motor Co has announced its plans to open a 'smart mobility' facility in the UK. The US automotive colossus will extend its services by opening a new office in London - and plans to start a workforce of forty people. The 'smart mobility' facility will be located on Here East campus which is co-working business incubator, set up in part of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

European Commission to modernize transport system by providing ‘connected mobility’

The European Commission has announced a series of new initiatives which has been specifically designed to modernize the European transport system. The program which has been entitled 'Europe on the Move' - aims to make traffic safer, encourage more equal road charging across member states, reduce harmful CO² emissions, air pollution and urban congestion - which is continuing to be a growing problem for many major cities across Europe due to increased urbanization.

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